0800 30 30 20 Mon-Fri: 7am - 5pm | Sat: 8am - 4pm | Closed Sun


Flatten and Smooth - All the right gear for compaction and compressing.

Our engine-powered Plate Compactors suitable for asphalt, cobblestone or soil compaction. We also provide other compaction or Roller Machines to suit your requirements.

Showing 10 items
TR 50 Compact Trenching

Compact Trencher

* Usually stocked at your branch $258.75 incl GST.
Pedestrian Roller 430kg

Pedestrian Roller 430kg

* May not be stocked at your current branch $155.25 incl GST.
Plate Compactor 40kg

Plate Compactor 40kg

* Usually stocked at your branch $82.80 incl GST.
Plate Compactor 40kg

Plate Compactor 50kg

* Usually stocked at your branch $86.25 incl GST.
60KG Plate Compactor

Plate Compactor 60kg

* May not be stocked at your current branch $97.75 incl GST.
Plate Compactor 40kg

Plate Compactor 82kg

* Usually stocked at your branch $115.00 incl GST.
Reversible Compactor 360kg

Reversible Compactor 200kg

* Usually stocked at your branch $170.20 incl GST.
Reversible Compactor 360kg

Reversible Compactor 360kg

* Usually stocked at your branch $230.00 incl GST.
Reversible Compactor 360kg

Reversible Compactor 420kg

* Usually stocked at your branch $247.25 incl GST.
Trench Rammer 70kg

Trench Rammer 70kg

* Usually stocked at your branch $115.00 incl GST.

More Than a Hire Company

It’s one thing to buy a bunch of equipment then hire it out. It’s another thing altogether to understand the real purpose of that equipment; to recognise what it is your clients are trying to achieve, and the role your resources, advice and service can play in that.

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